Software enables you to measure your employees’ performance with predefined KRA(Key Result Area) and KPI(Key Performance Index) and ensures that your departmental and organizational goals are met. With PMS, you can assign customized tasks and monitor the same for each employees’ individually. The software helps employees to stay focused on their tasks and regularly increase productivity to align with business growth.
KPI stands for key performance indicator that denotes a quantifiable metric, for a defined objective. You can create group wise KRA, It exhibits factors leading to the success of an organization and its employees.
Key performance indicator (KPI) means a mechanism used to represent how well the company can reach the business goals. These are the masters which need to create by HR and can group together.
Competency rating can be defined in system. Competency ratings give you a leg up in evaluating your employees.
Appraisal cycle can be defined in system, where HR can set appraisal cycle for the employees.
Employee can set his own KRA and KPI in system. Employee can enter Self Remark & Self Achievement % in KRA Record which is then routed to manager for review and approval.
Manager can input Remarks & Manager Achievement % in KRA Record. Manager can also key in Remark & ratings in Competency Assessment. Enter observation & feedback in Manager Observation & Feedback field. Select Recommendation for Promotion.
Reviewer Remark & Reviewer Achievement % in KRA Record. Reviewer Remark & Reviewer rating in Competency Assessment. Enter Observation & Feedback in Reviewer Observation & Feedback. Select Recommendation for Promotion
Career Progression in system can be used to update the salary by just entering the % of increment.